

Hey bloggers! Long time no see. I know I've been MIA for a while (sorry about that), but it's all been the result of hectic weeks. Weeks filled with excitement and fun. I've always thought there are different kinds of happiness and I've experienced a whole lot of them recently. You know? The times when everything is... well... blissful.

Birthday celebrations with a salsa orchestra at Habana Panama in Casco Viejo with friends and family. Yep, I'm a year older!

Going to Disney with my two best friends for a long weekend as a birthday gift! I couldn't have asked for a better gift. It was perfect!

While on my trip, going on a not-so ocassional shopping spree and finding my absolutely PERFECT boyfriend blazer! After months of searching and high disappointment, I finally found it

I love the small pleated details on the back. It creates a great silhouette!

Finally watching (500) Days of Summer, thanks to a good friend who gave it to me as a present. It was amazing. The photography, the wardrobe, the acting, the music. Everything. I think I want to raid Zooey Deschanel's closet after this movie. I highly recommend it (the movie not the raiding of closets, of course).

Finally watching An Education after months of hunting for the DVD. Also highly recommended. Very interesting theme and picture.

Catching up on homework and heavy study sessions... it makes me feel responsible! At least for now.

What has made YOU happy this weekend? What have you enjoyed doing? Any recommendations about how to mix that blazer? Hope you had an amazing weekend!


Panama Spotlight: Festival Verde de Cultura Musical

Last weekend Panama hosted the ¨Festival Verde de Cultura Musical¨ (Green Festival of Musical Culture), in which the main theme was environmental awareness. Arriving at 3:00, the most gorgeous day welcomed me to the festival. First up, Lemmiwinks, a traditional panamanian punk band with their amazing small (pun intended) project, 7-year old ¨Green Sky¨ who opened up the show and punked up the crowd. Next, Pepe Calavera: an artist so true to himself and so original, that could only be described by hearing his music. Los Rabanes were up next, Grammy award winning panamanian band and a true pride for us, really captivating the massive amount of people who were arriving by the second. El Papo Vecino rallied up, a band so diverse with natural and ethereal sounds (as well as lyrics), which were perfect for the theme the Festival had, including nature-simulated sounds. Critiques to social and environmental issues as pollution and ignorance nature-wise, were the main focus of their songs. The clock was now hitting around 6 p.m and the sun was just about to set, giving the audience an incredible scenario to admire, that worked as background for the next performances, including Carlos Méndez, one of my favorite of the afternoon, singer song-writer showing his new project ¨De Pie¨, with a different sound than we are accostumbed to here, but so refreshing and anew that I couldn't help but smile throughout his whole performance. Next up, Austin TV, mexican band who I, personally, had never heard before but was very amazed of the talent and passion they evoked as they played. Cienfue, panamanian singer was absolutely fantastic getting panamanians zoned into what we are all very used to: a classic sound of folklore with a twist of rock. Last, but definitely NOT least, were Aterciopelados, colombian group who I thought were the epitome of what the whole Festival intended, presenting their new project ¨Rio¨, their songs are full of love for all nature and appreciation for what Papucha Mamucha (Mother Nature) has given to us. Definitely giving the festival the finale it needed, with ethnic sounds and bohemian front singer Andrea Echeverri, I can say, with complete confidence, that the Festival was a complete success. Every single artist expressed their deepest concerns for the alarming contamination going on around the world, but specifically in Panama. Mother Nature definitely cooperated in the making of the event as she gave us a fantastic day, full of sun and a beautiful night, full of stars. Promising to turn this into an anual event, I can't wait for the next time I get to go, seeing as it was a complete success!


El último fin de semana, Panamá tuvo el placer de presentar el ¨Festival Verde de Cultura Musical¨, en el cual la principal temática consistía en crear conciencia ambiental. Llegando exactamente a las 3:00 en punto, uno de los días más bellos y soleados que pude desear me dio la bienvenida al festival. Primero, Lemmiwinks, la tradicional banda de punk con su increible pequeña estrella ¨The Green Sky¨, quienes prendieron el ambiente y dieron pie para lo que sería el resto del festival. Luego, Pepe Calavera, un artista tan comprometido consigo mismo y tan original, que sólo puede ser descrito a través de su música. Los Rabanes le siguieron, banda de talento 100% panameño ganadora de Grammy y un verdadero orgullo para nosotros, los panameños, realmente cautivaron a la gran cantidad de gente que llegaba por el segundo. El Papo Vecino tomaron la batuta, un grupo tan diverso con un sonido tan etéreo y natural (al igual que sus líricas), que fue perfecto para todo el sentido del festival, incluyendo los sonidos naturales simulados. Las críticas sociales y ambientales como la contaminación y el alarmante crecimiento de ignorancia en nuestro país en lo que al cuidado de la naturaleza respecta, son el principal foco de atención de sus canciones. El reloj ya pegaba alrededor de las 6 de la tarde y el sol ya se estaba poniendo, dándole a la audiencia un excelente escenario para admirar, que sirvió, de igual forma, como telón de fondo para las siguientes presentaciones, incluyendo a Carlos Méndez, uno de mis favoritos (sino mi favorito) de toda la tarde, cantautor panameño enseñando su último proyecto ¨De Pie¨, con un sonido totalmente diferente a lo que estamos acostumbrados, pero tan refrescante y nuevo que no pude dejar de sonreír en toda la presentación simplemente porque su música me hiso feliz, aparte que el hecho de ver a mi primo tocando el bajo también me causó muchísimo orgullo :) ! Los siguientes fueron Austin TV, grupo mexicano a los que yo nunca había escuchado pero me encontré sumamente sorprendida por el talento y pasión que evocaban al tocar. Cienfue, cantante panameño fue absolutamente genial, llevando a todos los panameños a su zona de confort y algo con lo que hemos estado acostumbrados como país, en lo que a sonido respecta, pero con una ligera diferencia: el sonido clásico de folclor y típico con un toque de rock. Por último, pero no menos importante, Aterciopelados, grupo colombiano que me parecieron el epítome de todo lo que el Festival buscaba destacar, presentando su nuevo proyecto ¨Río¨, sus canciones están llenas de amor y respeto por la naturaleza y aprecio por, como le dicen ellos, la Papucha Mamucha (Madre Naturaleza). Definitivamente, dándole al festival el final con la connotación necesaria, con sus sonidos étnicos y la gran cantante bohemia Andrea Echeverri, quien con sólo presentar su guitarra completamente llena de calcomanias y con un aura impresionante causó tanto impacto, puedo decir, con completa confianza, que el Festival fue un rotundo éxito. Cada uno de los artistas presentados expresaron sus preocupaciones por el alarmante crecimiento de la contaminación que se está espareciendo por el mundo, específicamente en Panamá. La Madre Naturaleza coopero en la realización del evento al brindarnos un día tan soleado por el día y tan iluminado de estrellas por la noche. Prometiendo en convertir esto en un evento anual, no puedo esperar al próximo, viendo el éxitazo que tuvo!

For more information about the performers/Para más información acerca de los artistas:
Pepe Calavera
Los Rabanes
El Papo Vecino
Carlos Méndez
Austin TV