

Hey bloggers! Long time no see. I know I've been MIA for a while (sorry about that), but it's all been the result of hectic weeks. Weeks filled with excitement and fun. I've always thought there are different kinds of happiness and I've experienced a whole lot of them recently. You know? The times when everything is... well... blissful.

Birthday celebrations with a salsa orchestra at Habana Panama in Casco Viejo with friends and family. Yep, I'm a year older!

Going to Disney with my two best friends for a long weekend as a birthday gift! I couldn't have asked for a better gift. It was perfect!

While on my trip, going on a not-so ocassional shopping spree and finding my absolutely PERFECT boyfriend blazer! After months of searching and high disappointment, I finally found it

I love the small pleated details on the back. It creates a great silhouette!

Finally watching (500) Days of Summer, thanks to a good friend who gave it to me as a present. It was amazing. The photography, the wardrobe, the acting, the music. Everything. I think I want to raid Zooey Deschanel's closet after this movie. I highly recommend it (the movie not the raiding of closets, of course).

Finally watching An Education after months of hunting for the DVD. Also highly recommended. Very interesting theme and picture.

Catching up on homework and heavy study sessions... it makes me feel responsible! At least for now.

What has made YOU happy this weekend? What have you enjoyed doing? Any recommendations about how to mix that blazer? Hope you had an amazing weekend!


  1. An Education<3
    La ropa estaba IMPECABLE y el soundtrack amazing!

  2. Sí!! Todo fue demasiado atinado con la época y el tema! Fácilmente cae en mi lista de películas favoritas :)
