
Organization Galore

I have this ritual everytime I start a new quarter in college: I take out all my exams and essays from the previous quarter, and pile them all together into, what I like to call, my Achordeon Folder; consequently, put the notebook, where I have taken all my notes in the same quarter, into my college themed drawer.

Naturally, at the end of my first week in the new quarter, I decided to undergo the time-consuming task. Much to my surprise, I had found out my Achordeon Folder had broken and their was no room for one more notebook inside my drawer. I decided, then, that it was time for a change, so I started Operation Organize, and like any other operation, a series of steps must be fulfilled:

1. Take out all of my exams and essays from my Achordeon Folder and divide them into subject.
2. Take out all of my notes from my notebooks and pile them with their respective subject.
3. Decide what to do with the massive amount of papers lying in my room.

4. Count the amount of subjects lying around (read: a total of 30).
5. Buy 30 plastic folders in which my pile of exams, essays and notes will be relocated.
6. Label the folders and place them neatly in any available space (FINAL RESULT).

All and all, a total of 6 hours were spent in this Operation, and let me say (with complete confidence), what a success! While purchasing folders, the idea of buying a candle seemed appropriate to eliminate the imaginary ¨Office Depot¨ aroma my room had. So, I went ahead and purchased a Warm Caramel Corn candle to sweeten up the room!

How was your weekend? Did you catch up with any work that had been left behind? What's your favorite scent to aromatize your room?


  1. Estuvimos en lo mismo, acomodar y organizar, tenia muchos papeles all around en el escritorio, cosas del blog, cosas del trabajo, de la universidad, un caos, tambien consegui un acordeon y acomode cada cosa, que bien se siente tener todo en orden jajajaja... y mi aroma favorito ahhh Canela, y Vainilla... me hace sentir calmada...besos

  2. Oh wow. I threw out all my university papers when I graduated, in a heck-yes! kind of mood and now I regret that.

  3. Ooooh, I bet I would love that candle! My old roommate and I had such differing aroma preferences. I like warm sweet smells, and she likes clean natural smells - but I literally can't smell them, and the smells I like overpower her. (Pointless comment, but I think it's interesting.. :/)

  4. I have the exact same candle I love it

    Keep in touch

  5. I am always buying scented candles for my room but I never use them. Warm caramel corn sounds interesting though, I might have to buy it and store it away at the back of my cupboard with the rest of my many candles. ;)

  6. I've been trying to organize my life now that I have two weeks off before the next semester starts. I've cleaned out my closet a bit, and even caught up on e-mails. It's amazing how much you let go when homework is involved!! :)
