After trying to get my laptop to work - three hours later might I add - I'm here, playing one song at a time and wandering off about the new quarter, my last as a junior, aroused by the fresh smell of new projects boiling up.
I have to admit that vacations suited me perfectly. I visited what became my new favorite spot in Panama, La Vie en Rose, inspired by the immortal Edith Piaf. Being as fascinated as I am with anything that involves french culture, the title of the restaurant caught my attention immediately, so I decided to kill curiosity - before it killed me - and pay a little visit. The place was what I expected and more: being received by two older women in a corner, both with huge hats that evoked the essence of what a tea party is supposed to and by the owner, who was kind enough to show us to our table and introduce us to KUSMI TEA, a russian brand with a wide variety of flavors. Our choice? Almond Green Tea paired with a Key Lime Pie that was worth breaking the diet for.
Receiving daily messages from friends and accquaintances about how much they loved Inception and how much I would love it, I decided to end this uncertainty and call my psychology friends and go on a trip to the unconscious portrayed by Chris Nolan. I think that few are the movies that make me want to go and see it again and this one did precisely that. If I could summarize this movie in a few couple of lines, I think those should be: beginning, end and return... it all belongs to the origin. Please, if you haven't watched it yet. GO!
One of my good friends presented her work at the celebration of the 100 years of Psychoanalysis.
¨Therapy¨ by Gaby Esplá.
Meeting with old friends, whether for tea or just to catch up; long days lounging by the seaside with my fellow colleagues; and lethargic hours spent resting, pretty much sum up what vacations were: short, yet very sweet. Longing the return of friends, now spread around different parts of the world and with wishful thoughts of what college may bring upon, I bid you farewell. Just for a little while, though!
Funny piece of art, luv it!