
April in Panama

Over the past few weeks I have been asking around if I could find peonies in Panama, given that the spring is coming soon and I've encountered myself with several fellow bloggers expressing how much they wish for peonies to be in season soon.
Unfortunately, the small detail that Panama just has two seasons, either very hot or very rainy, seemed to have slipped by. Feeling let down and very under the weather seemed to rapidly change into feeling upbeat and ecstatic when I found this tree. Yes, in Panama! Whether they are peonies or cherry blossoms I do not know. However, what I can tell you is that my encounter with this beautiful pink tree, might just be the spring I was hoping for!
Have a happy weekend everyone!


  1. Mari, you're right. It would be awesome to have the streets covered in cherry blossom leaves at one point in the year. Don't be hopeless though, I saw a few beautiful guayacanes (yellow and light pink) in Avenida Balboa last Sunday! So maybe you should drive by and check them out!!

  2. I'll be sure to check it out. Love the time of the year when trees start to bloom!

  3. Cherry blossoms are one of my absolute favorite things - I can't imagine anything more lovely. :)

  4. Hi Mariana I answer your question as a comment on my blog so be sure to check it out!

    There is this place going to el interior haha where you can see in the distance like a mountain all cover of this tree it's beautiful!
