2010 started off being exteremely promising.
I started a journey that has allowed me to find myself.
I made my junior year something that balanced both fun and work, which turned out to be super easy when you get amazing friends to accompany you on the process.
I went on a short, yet very sweet trip to Disney with my two best friends.
I made some new friends along the way and re-connected with some old ones.
I attended some amazing events and met amazing blogger peers.
I got to spend some very special holidays with my family, baking goodies and planning an exciting upcoming event this January.
And, I kept my blog going, although I didn't get to blog as much as I wish I would, I still kept my promise.
So, for this 2011, I'd like to keep it more consistent.
Besides, tommorrow is Featuring Tallulah's first anniversary, so what better way to enter this 2011 with a new face, a new entry and a new attitude.
I wish that your 2010 was as good as mine was, that you keep accomplishing everything you set your mind to and that you appreciate everything God has blessed you with. May your 2011 be so much better than your 2010!
Smiling from within
Considering photography and story telling are my two favorite things in a movie, I couldn’t help but marvel upon Eat, Pray and Love’s trailer the first time I saw it. The inquiries struck me when I faced these expectations. Will I like it? Will I hate it? Will I laugh? Will I cry? But more importantly, will it speak to me? This story, this photography, this movie did so.
Once I started my blog, I never thought I’d dedicate most of my entries to my experiences watching movies, but now that I think of it, I’ve always been fascinated about the stories in movies. And, ironically enough, the small details that I always find myself returning to for brief moments of inspiration are the same details that spoke to me once, speak to me now and allow me to speak to you through these rambling thoughts.
Countless are the times I’ve heard the stories in movies about people going somewhere else to ¨find themselves¨ and failing in the process only to discover that what they were missing was someone else, and we all know the rest. This story was nothing like that. It was rich, it was powerful and it was real. How easy it may sound to find yourself while on a year lasting trip only by eating and praying, but the story tells you the opposite: it’s difficult, it’s painful, it’s beautiful and worth it at the end. In Elizabeth Gilbert’s simple yet incredibly striking words: ¨ruin is the road to transformation¨.
Amazingly so, you could see the parallelism in the three trips she embarked on: while in Italy, everything was fun and joyful, but she wasn’t forced into finding herself yet, in fact, she dedicated most of her time in being surrounded by loved ones; while in India, the photography was ugly, not appealing to visit at all, and it was the one stop where the objective was to cope and deal with herself, being the hardest experience out of the three and in which it was more painful to look deeper within; and in Bali, the photography was beautiful, peaceful and charming, and it was the last stop of her journey where she so connected with herself and learned that she could do that and be in touch with others as well. The key? Balance.
An urge to read John Keats hit me after watching the film and I’d like to share a fragment of ¨From Sleep and Poetry¨:
¨Life is a rose´s hope while yet unblown;
The reading of an ever-changing tale;
The light up-lifting of a maiden’s veil;
A pigeon tumbling in clear summer air;
A laughing school-boy, without grief or care,
Riding the springy branches of an elm.¨
I used to look up on these movies with wishful thoughts about how much I would like to be a part of that. Wondered about where I’d have to go so I could experience what these fascinating characters went through. Luckily and strangely enough, I’m already on that journey and it’s more wonderful, beautiful and real than I could ever imagine.
Una Naturaleza Imaginativa
Es curioso observar cómo elementos tan diferentes adquieren un sentido tan único en semejanza. Ésta fue exactamente la idea que até al observar tres películas de géneros, personajes e historias tan diversas: ¨Nine¨, ¨The Imaginarium of Dr.Parnassus¨ y ¨Where the Wild Things Are¨.
En ¨Nine¨, las películas que Guido Contini creaba eran a partir de mera imaginación. Una imaginación infantil, algunos dirán, pero yo me pregunto ¿existe tal cosa como una imaginación adulta? ¿Una imaginación seria? ¿Controlada? ¿Una imaginación censurada de todos aquellos sueños y anhelos de los que nos sentimos tan orgullosos de poseer? De ser así, mucho se alejaría del concepto innato de lo que significa imaginación. Esto es precisamente lo que le ocurre al Maestro Contini cuando desea crear la historia para su novena película. Es interesante, entonces, cómo se esfuerza por controlar la idea de su película, por idear la idea de su película, valga la redundancia, de una manera tan ¨adulta¨.
Recuerdo la última escena, cuando finalmente empieza a grabar aquella idea tan hermosamente poderosa que tanto esperábamos durante toda la película, en la que todas las mujeres, que de alguna u otra forma hicieron a Guido Contini el admirado Maestro, se pasean una por una con ese aire tan característico y particular, y se posan en diversos puestos en el escenario ubicado directamente posterior a donde Contini se sienta mientras graba su película. Todas menos una: su esposa. Ella no está en el trasfondo, sino escondida, así mismo como ha estado durante todos los años de matrimonio con Guido Contini. Sin embargo, está allí también. Y, por último, pero no por eso menos importante, el pequeño Guido que vamos conociendo a través de toda la película. Ese niño tan travieso y valiente que corre hacia el Guido adulto y se sienta en sus piernas, con toda la inocencia que esperamos ver en un niño. Al ver esta escena, no pude evitar sentirme aliviada por Guido porque logró integrar todo: su pasado, su presente y su futuro. Finalmente logró integrar lo que todas esas mujeres significaron en su vida; logró integrar a su esposa, que aunque escondida, él sabe que está allí y es parte de él; y a ese pequeño soñador que alguna vez fue, que estuvo perdido por mucho tiempo y finalmente llega para presenciar, una vez más, esa imaginación tan extrañada y añorada. Esa imaginación infantil fue nuevamente aceptada.
Por otra parte, ¨The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus¨, utiliza la imaginación como su máximo elemento. Al contrario de la imaginación perdida que Contini busca, el Dr. Parnassus desea restringir su imaginación, porque sabe que de no ser así, se pierde y no puede encontrar la realidad. Altamente consciente de la diferencia entre lo fantasioso y lo real; entre lo imaginario y lo actual, es lo que evoca el Dr. Parnassus al cuidar tanto quién entra y quién sale de ese mágico espejo, centrado perfectamente en su exuberante escenario con el que recibe a los clientes. Irónico, ¿no? Cómo en una película se busca desesperadamente la imaginación, mientras en la otra se intenta suprimir excesivamente. Lo que me lleva a la última de las películas: ¨Where The Wild Things Are¨
En ¨Where The Wild Things Are¨, seguimos la vida de un pequeño, Max, y cómo ha desarrollado una relación incontrolable con su único compañero de juego: nuevamente, su imaginación. Intentado escapar de su realidad, de su día a día, de lo que significa crecer, Max utiliza su imaginación para recrear iglús, cuevas y otros escondites. Su madre alimenta ésta imaginación y cuando ésta desea regresar a la realidad, a su realidad, mejor dicho, Max se irrita y se escapa de su casa donde ultimadamente, después de un viaje en un bote, termina en la tierra de los monstruos. Ahí conoce a tales personajes, todos diferentes en personalidad y en físico, y Max es acogido por dicha familia porque comparten esas ideas sin límites que son tan censuradas en la casa donde Max vive. Al vivir ahí, Max establece una relación muy particular con Carol, el líder de la manada y Max se da cuenta que aunque físicamente sean totalmente diferentes, hay algo que los asemeja: una gran imaginación y una gran irritabilidad cuando no se alimenta dicha imaginación. Sin embargo, Max no sólo hace la conexión sino que termina por enfermarse al darse cuenta que el daño que Carol hace a sus amigos al comportarse así, es el mismo daño que Max hace a su madre cuando no permite integrar la realidad con la imaginación, lo que provoca en él un inmenso deseo de regresar a casa. Nuevamente llevándome a pensar, si bien es cierto, la imaginación no tiene límites pero cuando irrumpe con la realidad, ya deja de ser imaginación. Me pareció fascinante la naturaleza de esta película porque se presenta en un mundo tan real, pero tan imaginario a la vez, y no es necesaria la animación para entender esto.
Imaginación añorada, imaginación restringida e imaginación madurada, respectivamente, son las tres metas de los protagonistas de las películas. Diferentes a primera vista, pero brindan la capacidad de integrarlas y más importante aún, respetarlas, al entender la historia de cada uno de los personajes. Como mencioné anteriormente, no creo que exista la imaginación adulta, pero creo que la imaginación se modifica y es lo que nos mueve a cada uno. Es lo que nos brinda ese panorama ideal por el que trabajamos tanto, por el que vivimos tanto. Así como vamos cambiando, nuestros sueños van cambiando también, porque sin nuestros sueños, pocas son las cosas que podemos realizar; pocas son las cosas que podemos visualizar y pocas son las cosas que podemos imaginar.
En ¨Nine¨, las películas que Guido Contini creaba eran a partir de mera imaginación. Una imaginación infantil, algunos dirán, pero yo me pregunto ¿existe tal cosa como una imaginación adulta? ¿Una imaginación seria? ¿Controlada? ¿Una imaginación censurada de todos aquellos sueños y anhelos de los que nos sentimos tan orgullosos de poseer? De ser así, mucho se alejaría del concepto innato de lo que significa imaginación. Esto es precisamente lo que le ocurre al Maestro Contini cuando desea crear la historia para su novena película. Es interesante, entonces, cómo se esfuerza por controlar la idea de su película, por idear la idea de su película, valga la redundancia, de una manera tan ¨adulta¨.
Recuerdo la última escena, cuando finalmente empieza a grabar aquella idea tan hermosamente poderosa que tanto esperábamos durante toda la película, en la que todas las mujeres, que de alguna u otra forma hicieron a Guido Contini el admirado Maestro, se pasean una por una con ese aire tan característico y particular, y se posan en diversos puestos en el escenario ubicado directamente posterior a donde Contini se sienta mientras graba su película. Todas menos una: su esposa. Ella no está en el trasfondo, sino escondida, así mismo como ha estado durante todos los años de matrimonio con Guido Contini. Sin embargo, está allí también. Y, por último, pero no por eso menos importante, el pequeño Guido que vamos conociendo a través de toda la película. Ese niño tan travieso y valiente que corre hacia el Guido adulto y se sienta en sus piernas, con toda la inocencia que esperamos ver en un niño. Al ver esta escena, no pude evitar sentirme aliviada por Guido porque logró integrar todo: su pasado, su presente y su futuro. Finalmente logró integrar lo que todas esas mujeres significaron en su vida; logró integrar a su esposa, que aunque escondida, él sabe que está allí y es parte de él; y a ese pequeño soñador que alguna vez fue, que estuvo perdido por mucho tiempo y finalmente llega para presenciar, una vez más, esa imaginación tan extrañada y añorada. Esa imaginación infantil fue nuevamente aceptada.
Por otra parte, ¨The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus¨, utiliza la imaginación como su máximo elemento. Al contrario de la imaginación perdida que Contini busca, el Dr. Parnassus desea restringir su imaginación, porque sabe que de no ser así, se pierde y no puede encontrar la realidad. Altamente consciente de la diferencia entre lo fantasioso y lo real; entre lo imaginario y lo actual, es lo que evoca el Dr. Parnassus al cuidar tanto quién entra y quién sale de ese mágico espejo, centrado perfectamente en su exuberante escenario con el que recibe a los clientes. Irónico, ¿no? Cómo en una película se busca desesperadamente la imaginación, mientras en la otra se intenta suprimir excesivamente. Lo que me lleva a la última de las películas: ¨Where The Wild Things Are¨
En ¨Where The Wild Things Are¨, seguimos la vida de un pequeño, Max, y cómo ha desarrollado una relación incontrolable con su único compañero de juego: nuevamente, su imaginación. Intentado escapar de su realidad, de su día a día, de lo que significa crecer, Max utiliza su imaginación para recrear iglús, cuevas y otros escondites. Su madre alimenta ésta imaginación y cuando ésta desea regresar a la realidad, a su realidad, mejor dicho, Max se irrita y se escapa de su casa donde ultimadamente, después de un viaje en un bote, termina en la tierra de los monstruos. Ahí conoce a tales personajes, todos diferentes en personalidad y en físico, y Max es acogido por dicha familia porque comparten esas ideas sin límites que son tan censuradas en la casa donde Max vive. Al vivir ahí, Max establece una relación muy particular con Carol, el líder de la manada y Max se da cuenta que aunque físicamente sean totalmente diferentes, hay algo que los asemeja: una gran imaginación y una gran irritabilidad cuando no se alimenta dicha imaginación. Sin embargo, Max no sólo hace la conexión sino que termina por enfermarse al darse cuenta que el daño que Carol hace a sus amigos al comportarse así, es el mismo daño que Max hace a su madre cuando no permite integrar la realidad con la imaginación, lo que provoca en él un inmenso deseo de regresar a casa. Nuevamente llevándome a pensar, si bien es cierto, la imaginación no tiene límites pero cuando irrumpe con la realidad, ya deja de ser imaginación. Me pareció fascinante la naturaleza de esta película porque se presenta en un mundo tan real, pero tan imaginario a la vez, y no es necesaria la animación para entender esto.
Imaginación añorada, imaginación restringida e imaginación madurada, respectivamente, son las tres metas de los protagonistas de las películas. Diferentes a primera vista, pero brindan la capacidad de integrarlas y más importante aún, respetarlas, al entender la historia de cada uno de los personajes. Como mencioné anteriormente, no creo que exista la imaginación adulta, pero creo que la imaginación se modifica y es lo que nos mueve a cada uno. Es lo que nos brinda ese panorama ideal por el que trabajamos tanto, por el que vivimos tanto. Así como vamos cambiando, nuestros sueños van cambiando también, porque sin nuestros sueños, pocas son las cosas que podemos realizar; pocas son las cosas que podemos visualizar y pocas son las cosas que podemos imaginar.
After trying to get my laptop to work - three hours later might I add - I'm here, playing one song at a time and wandering off about the new quarter, my last as a junior, aroused by the fresh smell of new projects boiling up.
I have to admit that vacations suited me perfectly. I visited what became my new favorite spot in Panama, La Vie en Rose, inspired by the immortal Edith Piaf. Being as fascinated as I am with anything that involves french culture, the title of the restaurant caught my attention immediately, so I decided to kill curiosity - before it killed me - and pay a little visit. The place was what I expected and more: being received by two older women in a corner, both with huge hats that evoked the essence of what a tea party is supposed to and by the owner, who was kind enough to show us to our table and introduce us to KUSMI TEA, a russian brand with a wide variety of flavors. Our choice? Almond Green Tea paired with a Key Lime Pie that was worth breaking the diet for.
Receiving daily messages from friends and accquaintances about how much they loved Inception and how much I would love it, I decided to end this uncertainty and call my psychology friends and go on a trip to the unconscious portrayed by Chris Nolan. I think that few are the movies that make me want to go and see it again and this one did precisely that. If I could summarize this movie in a few couple of lines, I think those should be: beginning, end and return... it all belongs to the origin. Please, if you haven't watched it yet. GO!
One of my good friends presented her work at the celebration of the 100 years of Psychoanalysis.
¨Therapy¨ by Gaby Esplá.
Meeting with old friends, whether for tea or just to catch up; long days lounging by the seaside with my fellow colleagues; and lethargic hours spent resting, pretty much sum up what vacations were: short, yet very sweet. Longing the return of friends, now spread around different parts of the world and with wishful thoughts of what college may bring upon, I bid you farewell. Just for a little while, though!
I have to admit that vacations suited me perfectly. I visited what became my new favorite spot in Panama, La Vie en Rose, inspired by the immortal Edith Piaf. Being as fascinated as I am with anything that involves french culture, the title of the restaurant caught my attention immediately, so I decided to kill curiosity - before it killed me - and pay a little visit. The place was what I expected and more: being received by two older women in a corner, both with huge hats that evoked the essence of what a tea party is supposed to and by the owner, who was kind enough to show us to our table and introduce us to KUSMI TEA, a russian brand with a wide variety of flavors. Our choice? Almond Green Tea paired with a Key Lime Pie that was worth breaking the diet for.
Receiving daily messages from friends and accquaintances about how much they loved Inception and how much I would love it, I decided to end this uncertainty and call my psychology friends and go on a trip to the unconscious portrayed by Chris Nolan. I think that few are the movies that make me want to go and see it again and this one did precisely that. If I could summarize this movie in a few couple of lines, I think those should be: beginning, end and return... it all belongs to the origin. Please, if you haven't watched it yet. GO!
One of my good friends presented her work at the celebration of the 100 years of Psychoanalysis.
¨Therapy¨ by Gaby Esplá.
Meeting with old friends, whether for tea or just to catch up; long days lounging by the seaside with my fellow colleagues; and lethargic hours spent resting, pretty much sum up what vacations were: short, yet very sweet. Longing the return of friends, now spread around different parts of the world and with wishful thoughts of what college may bring upon, I bid you farewell. Just for a little while, though!
La Vie en Rose,
Panama Spotlight: 100 años del Psicoanálisis
Ajetreada, emocionada y ansiosa han sido y serán mis emociones hasta que se acabe la próxima semana. No sólo porque vienen los finales, sino también por eventos que se ven interesantísimos para nosotros, los panameños amantes de la cultura, arte y la inspiración.
Dentro de esos, está la conmemoración de los 100 años del Psicoanálisis en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC) el próximo martes 17 de agosto a las 7:00 p.m., donde habrá una exposición magistral, al igual que una exposición artística de variadas obras de arte elaboradas por diversos artistas, inspiradas en el psicoanálisis.
Pecha Kucha Vol. 3 también viene la próxima semana.. enough said. Pero eso merece otro post.
Dentro de esos, está la conmemoración de los 100 años del Psicoanálisis en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC) el próximo martes 17 de agosto a las 7:00 p.m., donde habrá una exposición magistral, al igual que una exposición artística de variadas obras de arte elaboradas por diversos artistas, inspiradas en el psicoanálisis.
Pecha Kucha Vol. 3 también viene la próxima semana.. enough said. Pero eso merece otro post.
Let's Take it Outside
People say that the more you watch a film, the more details you find and the more you fall in love with the story, the characters and the movie itself.
While watching (500) Days of Summer (yet again), I discovered in my favorite scene of the movie, the one that portrays the ¨Expectations vs. Reality¨ Tom has while meeting Summer after the wedding, an element I absolutely loved: Outdoors Dinner Parties.
Ever since, I've been strangely drawn to this phenomenon, not only because there's just something about fine weather, music outdoors and french wine, like John Keats so eloquently said, but because of the mystique that holds the lighting, the night and the company.
While searching images that may indulge my magical thoughts of what outdoors dinner parties hold in store, I came upon these,
Mysterious, yet inviting.
Colorful and chimerical.
Who said it has to start when the sun sets? 5 o'clock pre-dinner cocktails seem perfectly adequate, if you ask me.
Now, food is absolutely important, considering it's a dinner party and all, but isn't planning an outfit far more entertaining?
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Product Information:
Images: here, here and here, respectively.
Dress: ModCloth
Bracelet: ASOS
Wedges: ASOS
While watching (500) Days of Summer (yet again), I discovered in my favorite scene of the movie, the one that portrays the ¨Expectations vs. Reality¨ Tom has while meeting Summer after the wedding, an element I absolutely loved: Outdoors Dinner Parties.
Ever since, I've been strangely drawn to this phenomenon, not only because there's just something about fine weather, music outdoors and french wine, like John Keats so eloquently said, but because of the mystique that holds the lighting, the night and the company.
While searching images that may indulge my magical thoughts of what outdoors dinner parties hold in store, I came upon these,
Mysterious, yet inviting.
Colorful and chimerical.
Who said it has to start when the sun sets? 5 o'clock pre-dinner cocktails seem perfectly adequate, if you ask me.
Now, food is absolutely important, considering it's a dinner party and all, but isn't planning an outfit far more entertaining?
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Product Information:
Images: here, here and here, respectively.
Dress: ModCloth
Bracelet: ASOS
Wedges: ASOS
(500) Days of Summer,
Dinner Party,
Fairy Tale Wisdom
In my other post of a book review, I exposed how much of a loss I undergo when finishing a book, fortunately I choose to direct these feelings into writing these couple of lines about how much I loved the book I've been reading (which I sadly ended yesterday), The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales (in spanish: Psicoanálisis de los Cuentos de Hadas) written by Bruno Bettelheim. Not only is it a powerful literary acquisition, but also a useful resource when fairy tales come to mind.
Bettelheim does an amazing job explaining why is it that these magical stories help so much to the learning process a child needs to undergo throughout his/her infant years. It attacks existential questioning that the little one bears in mind but is too afraid to express, not only giving the child the confidence that the questioning is an element completely normal to exist, but also providing him/her with a handful of resourceful solutions that may help him/her get their happy ending. Fairy tales take you to other lands, where princesses must meet princes and fall deeply in love and where evil witches and step-mothers get, at the very end of the book, what they deserve.
Fairy tales speak to us in so many ways, and that's the beauty of their nature: the meaning each and every story evokes is so different from person to person and helps each one of us in different stages of our evolution as human beings. Bettelheim writes beautifully portraying the child as a person, a special value that we, adults, have forgotten they possess.
Few are those books that have so many elements that make a special click with the way you feel and think about children, and this book does exactly so, in the same nature it addresses: magically and full of fantasy and imagery. Wonderful book to read, beautiful and simple, always keeping it real.
A true gem for parents, teachers and psychologists everywhere if you ask me!
Bettelheim does an amazing job explaining why is it that these magical stories help so much to the learning process a child needs to undergo throughout his/her infant years. It attacks existential questioning that the little one bears in mind but is too afraid to express, not only giving the child the confidence that the questioning is an element completely normal to exist, but also providing him/her with a handful of resourceful solutions that may help him/her get their happy ending. Fairy tales take you to other lands, where princesses must meet princes and fall deeply in love and where evil witches and step-mothers get, at the very end of the book, what they deserve.
Fairy tales speak to us in so many ways, and that's the beauty of their nature: the meaning each and every story evokes is so different from person to person and helps each one of us in different stages of our evolution as human beings. Bettelheim writes beautifully portraying the child as a person, a special value that we, adults, have forgotten they possess.
Few are those books that have so many elements that make a special click with the way you feel and think about children, and this book does exactly so, in the same nature it addresses: magically and full of fantasy and imagery. Wonderful book to read, beautiful and simple, always keeping it real.
A true gem for parents, teachers and psychologists everywhere if you ask me!
Book Review,
Fairy Tales,
Fancy some tea?
I've always been drawn to the most peculiar and quirky things: the crackling sound a bell pepper makes when being manually broken; listening to heavily written pieces of paper being turn around in a notebook; the soothing smell of fresh basil; and, dreams of having my own house start with the purchasing of my very own fine China in hopes of hosting well-put dinner parties. Having said that, the decision of people investing on fine China has always thrilled me. Don't be fooled by how trivial the choice of purchasing place settings may seem: it IS an important decision.
Watching yesterday Mikasa's Fine China and Dinnerware inspired me to offer tea (late afternoon-ish) in the fine China my mother holds in our house. The excitement was so I treated every piece with extra care as if it were my own, placing each cup in the exact same position so it could fit perfectly into the small plates that holded each. Including the little cow for serving milk, who only comes out in special occassions!
I know I'm probably the only 20 year old who dreams of owning her own place so that she can buy China, but the thought of choosing dinnerware so the food I will someday cook can be placed on beautifully hand-painted plates is so whimsical I couldn't help but look upon THIS particular place setting, ¨Imperial Blossom¨.
Ah, a girl can dream:
Taking out the fine China and drinking tea in what appeared to be a regular Sunday afternoon just fills my old-lady heart with warmth. I'm an old soul, what can I say! What are you drawn to when peculiar things come to mind?
Watching yesterday Mikasa's Fine China and Dinnerware inspired me to offer tea (late afternoon-ish) in the fine China my mother holds in our house. The excitement was so I treated every piece with extra care as if it were my own, placing each cup in the exact same position so it could fit perfectly into the small plates that holded each. Including the little cow for serving milk, who only comes out in special occassions!
I know I'm probably the only 20 year old who dreams of owning her own place so that she can buy China, but the thought of choosing dinnerware so the food I will someday cook can be placed on beautifully hand-painted plates is so whimsical I couldn't help but look upon THIS particular place setting, ¨Imperial Blossom¨.
Ah, a girl can dream:
Taking out the fine China and drinking tea in what appeared to be a regular Sunday afternoon just fills my old-lady heart with warmth. I'm an old soul, what can I say! What are you drawn to when peculiar things come to mind?
Hey bloggers! Long time no see. I know I've been MIA for a while (sorry about that), but it's all been the result of hectic weeks. Weeks filled with excitement and fun. I've always thought there are different kinds of happiness and I've experienced a whole lot of them recently. You know? The times when everything is... well... blissful.
Birthday celebrations with a salsa orchestra at Habana Panama in Casco Viejo with friends and family. Yep, I'm a year older!
Going to Disney with my two best friends for a long weekend as a birthday gift! I couldn't have asked for a better gift. It was perfect!
While on my trip, going on a not-so ocassional shopping spree and finding my absolutely PERFECT boyfriend blazer! After months of searching and high disappointment, I finally found it
I love the small pleated details on the back. It creates a great silhouette!
Finally watching (500) Days of Summer, thanks to a good friend who gave it to me as a present. It was amazing. The photography, the wardrobe, the acting, the music. Everything. I think I want to raid Zooey Deschanel's closet after this movie. I highly recommend it (the movie not the raiding of closets, of course).
Finally watching An Education after months of hunting for the DVD. Also highly recommended. Very interesting theme and picture.
Catching up on homework and heavy study sessions... it makes me feel responsible! At least for now.
What has made YOU happy this weekend? What have you enjoyed doing? Any recommendations about how to mix that blazer? Hope you had an amazing weekend!
Birthday celebrations with a salsa orchestra at Habana Panama in Casco Viejo with friends and family. Yep, I'm a year older!
Going to Disney with my two best friends for a long weekend as a birthday gift! I couldn't have asked for a better gift. It was perfect!
While on my trip, going on a not-so ocassional shopping spree and finding my absolutely PERFECT boyfriend blazer! After months of searching and high disappointment, I finally found it
I love the small pleated details on the back. It creates a great silhouette!
Finally watching (500) Days of Summer, thanks to a good friend who gave it to me as a present. It was amazing. The photography, the wardrobe, the acting, the music. Everything. I think I want to raid Zooey Deschanel's closet after this movie. I highly recommend it (the movie not the raiding of closets, of course).
Finally watching An Education after months of hunting for the DVD. Also highly recommended. Very interesting theme and picture.
Catching up on homework and heavy study sessions... it makes me feel responsible! At least for now.
What has made YOU happy this weekend? What have you enjoyed doing? Any recommendations about how to mix that blazer? Hope you had an amazing weekend!
(500) Days of Summer,
An Education,
Panama Spotlight: Festival Verde de Cultura Musical
Last weekend Panama hosted the ¨Festival Verde de Cultura Musical¨ (Green Festival of Musical Culture), in which the main theme was environmental awareness. Arriving at 3:00, the most gorgeous day welcomed me to the festival. First up, Lemmiwinks, a traditional panamanian punk band with their amazing small (pun intended) project, 7-year old ¨Green Sky¨ who opened up the show and punked up the crowd. Next, Pepe Calavera: an artist so true to himself and so original, that could only be described by hearing his music. Los Rabanes were up next, Grammy award winning panamanian band and a true pride for us, really captivating the massive amount of people who were arriving by the second. El Papo Vecino rallied up, a band so diverse with natural and ethereal sounds (as well as lyrics), which were perfect for the theme the Festival had, including nature-simulated sounds. Critiques to social and environmental issues as pollution and ignorance nature-wise, were the main focus of their songs. The clock was now hitting around 6 p.m and the sun was just about to set, giving the audience an incredible scenario to admire, that worked as background for the next performances, including Carlos Méndez, one of my favorite of the afternoon, singer song-writer showing his new project ¨De Pie¨, with a different sound than we are accostumbed to here, but so refreshing and anew that I couldn't help but smile throughout his whole performance. Next up, Austin TV, mexican band who I, personally, had never heard before but was very amazed of the talent and passion they evoked as they played. Cienfue, panamanian singer was absolutely fantastic getting panamanians zoned into what we are all very used to: a classic sound of folklore with a twist of rock. Last, but definitely NOT least, were Aterciopelados, colombian group who I thought were the epitome of what the whole Festival intended, presenting their new project ¨Rio¨, their songs are full of love for all nature and appreciation for what Papucha Mamucha (Mother Nature) has given to us. Definitely giving the festival the finale it needed, with ethnic sounds and bohemian front singer Andrea Echeverri, I can say, with complete confidence, that the Festival was a complete success. Every single artist expressed their deepest concerns for the alarming contamination going on around the world, but specifically in Panama. Mother Nature definitely cooperated in the making of the event as she gave us a fantastic day, full of sun and a beautiful night, full of stars. Promising to turn this into an anual event, I can't wait for the next time I get to go, seeing as it was a complete success!
El último fin de semana, Panamá tuvo el placer de presentar el ¨Festival Verde de Cultura Musical¨, en el cual la principal temática consistía en crear conciencia ambiental. Llegando exactamente a las 3:00 en punto, uno de los días más bellos y soleados que pude desear me dio la bienvenida al festival. Primero, Lemmiwinks, la tradicional banda de punk con su increible pequeña estrella ¨The Green Sky¨, quienes prendieron el ambiente y dieron pie para lo que sería el resto del festival. Luego, Pepe Calavera, un artista tan comprometido consigo mismo y tan original, que sólo puede ser descrito a través de su música. Los Rabanes le siguieron, banda de talento 100% panameño ganadora de Grammy y un verdadero orgullo para nosotros, los panameños, realmente cautivaron a la gran cantidad de gente que llegaba por el segundo. El Papo Vecino tomaron la batuta, un grupo tan diverso con un sonido tan etéreo y natural (al igual que sus líricas), que fue perfecto para todo el sentido del festival, incluyendo los sonidos naturales simulados. Las críticas sociales y ambientales como la contaminación y el alarmante crecimiento de ignorancia en nuestro país en lo que al cuidado de la naturaleza respecta, son el principal foco de atención de sus canciones. El reloj ya pegaba alrededor de las 6 de la tarde y el sol ya se estaba poniendo, dándole a la audiencia un excelente escenario para admirar, que sirvió, de igual forma, como telón de fondo para las siguientes presentaciones, incluyendo a Carlos Méndez, uno de mis favoritos (sino mi favorito) de toda la tarde, cantautor panameño enseñando su último proyecto ¨De Pie¨, con un sonido totalmente diferente a lo que estamos acostumbrados, pero tan refrescante y nuevo que no pude dejar de sonreír en toda la presentación simplemente porque su música me hiso feliz, aparte que el hecho de ver a mi primo tocando el bajo también me causó muchísimo orgullo :) ! Los siguientes fueron Austin TV, grupo mexicano a los que yo nunca había escuchado pero me encontré sumamente sorprendida por el talento y pasión que evocaban al tocar. Cienfue, cantante panameño fue absolutamente genial, llevando a todos los panameños a su zona de confort y algo con lo que hemos estado acostumbrados como país, en lo que a sonido respecta, pero con una ligera diferencia: el sonido clásico de folclor y típico con un toque de rock. Por último, pero no menos importante, Aterciopelados, grupo colombiano que me parecieron el epítome de todo lo que el Festival buscaba destacar, presentando su nuevo proyecto ¨Río¨, sus canciones están llenas de amor y respeto por la naturaleza y aprecio por, como le dicen ellos, la Papucha Mamucha (Madre Naturaleza). Definitivamente, dándole al festival el final con la connotación necesaria, con sus sonidos étnicos y la gran cantante bohemia Andrea Echeverri, quien con sólo presentar su guitarra completamente llena de calcomanias y con un aura impresionante causó tanto impacto, puedo decir, con completa confianza, que el Festival fue un rotundo éxito. Cada uno de los artistas presentados expresaron sus preocupaciones por el alarmante crecimiento de la contaminación que se está espareciendo por el mundo, específicamente en Panamá. La Madre Naturaleza coopero en la realización del evento al brindarnos un día tan soleado por el día y tan iluminado de estrellas por la noche. Prometiendo en convertir esto en un evento anual, no puedo esperar al próximo, viendo el éxitazo que tuvo!
For more information about the performers/Para más información acerca de los artistas:
Pepe Calavera
Los Rabanes
El Papo Vecino
Carlos Méndez
Austin TV
Panama Spotlight
Cozy Countryside
Last weekend I visited one of Panama's most beautiful landmarks (when looking for a different weather, other than what we panamanians are accustombed to): Cerro Azul. All around nature and in the highest peaks of our very own heart of the world, is located Cerro Azul, where the marvelous greens and amazingly chilly weather makes you feel all cozy.
Being there, with nothing but nature all around, gives you such a soothing sense of peace, exactly what I needed to get my mind off college and other responsibilites. Who knew that just curling up in a comfy couch with a blankie, a cup of tea and a really interesting book could make you feel so relaxed!
It definitely is a natural scenario to offer diversity when wanting to walk away from the hectic lifestyle the city encounters.
Family, food, comfort and incredible weather, were the elements highlighted in this trip and added the extraordinary factor to a nice, tranquil and peaceful weekend.
This river landscape makes me want to go back!
Cerro Azul holds a huge botanical growth potential.
The adorable countryside cottage in which I was so kindly recieved.
What are your options when wanting to relax and escape the busy day to day the city departs? Is there any place in particular you prefer to go when wanting to unwind?
Photos: Karla, Caps & myself.
Being there, with nothing but nature all around, gives you such a soothing sense of peace, exactly what I needed to get my mind off college and other responsibilites. Who knew that just curling up in a comfy couch with a blankie, a cup of tea and a really interesting book could make you feel so relaxed!
It definitely is a natural scenario to offer diversity when wanting to walk away from the hectic lifestyle the city encounters.
Family, food, comfort and incredible weather, were the elements highlighted in this trip and added the extraordinary factor to a nice, tranquil and peaceful weekend.
This river landscape makes me want to go back!
Cerro Azul holds a huge botanical growth potential.
The adorable countryside cottage in which I was so kindly recieved.
What are your options when wanting to relax and escape the busy day to day the city departs? Is there any place in particular you prefer to go when wanting to unwind?
Photos: Karla, Caps & myself.
Organization Galore
I have this ritual everytime I start a new quarter in college: I take out all my exams and essays from the previous quarter, and pile them all together into, what I like to call, my Achordeon Folder; consequently, put the notebook, where I have taken all my notes in the same quarter, into my college themed drawer.
Naturally, at the end of my first week in the new quarter, I decided to undergo the time-consuming task. Much to my surprise, I had found out my Achordeon Folder had broken and their was no room for one more notebook inside my drawer. I decided, then, that it was time for a change, so I started Operation Organize, and like any other operation, a series of steps must be fulfilled:
1. Take out all of my exams and essays from my Achordeon Folder and divide them into subject.
2. Take out all of my notes from my notebooks and pile them with their respective subject.
3. Decide what to do with the massive amount of papers lying in my room.
4. Count the amount of subjects lying around (read: a total of 30).
5. Buy 30 plastic folders in which my pile of exams, essays and notes will be relocated.
6. Label the folders and place them neatly in any available space (FINAL RESULT).
All and all, a total of 6 hours were spent in this Operation, and let me say (with complete confidence), what a success! While purchasing folders, the idea of buying a candle seemed appropriate to eliminate the imaginary ¨Office Depot¨ aroma my room had. So, I went ahead and purchased a Warm Caramel Corn candle to sweeten up the room!
How was your weekend? Did you catch up with any work that had been left behind? What's your favorite scent to aromatize your room?
Naturally, at the end of my first week in the new quarter, I decided to undergo the time-consuming task. Much to my surprise, I had found out my Achordeon Folder had broken and their was no room for one more notebook inside my drawer. I decided, then, that it was time for a change, so I started Operation Organize, and like any other operation, a series of steps must be fulfilled:
1. Take out all of my exams and essays from my Achordeon Folder and divide them into subject.
2. Take out all of my notes from my notebooks and pile them with their respective subject.
3. Decide what to do with the massive amount of papers lying in my room.
4. Count the amount of subjects lying around (read: a total of 30).
5. Buy 30 plastic folders in which my pile of exams, essays and notes will be relocated.
6. Label the folders and place them neatly in any available space (FINAL RESULT).
All and all, a total of 6 hours were spent in this Operation, and let me say (with complete confidence), what a success! While purchasing folders, the idea of buying a candle seemed appropriate to eliminate the imaginary ¨Office Depot¨ aroma my room had. So, I went ahead and purchased a Warm Caramel Corn candle to sweeten up the room!
How was your weekend? Did you catch up with any work that had been left behind? What's your favorite scent to aromatize your room?
Quote Off
Being as in love as I am with anything involving the Beatles, I've been holding on to a very famous John Lennon quote the whole week:
¨Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.¨ - John Lennon.
It wasn't until today that I realized the depth and intensity this couple of words have, and as soon as I thought about an image doing it justice, the art of Ethel Scull done by the great and late Andy Warhol seemed like the most accurate of all to have inserted into the visual definition of the quote.
Ultimately, life is filled with big and small moments, and with them come along important people to share it with. If you don't enjoy what comes ahead and attack the moment with all of who you are, the original and true self each of us have; then its worth nothing, because all you'll have to reminisce later is about what you did and not about what we felt in doing so.
I've had to learn that, one way or another, life isn't for you to take it too seriously, but for you to enjoy: the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the sad and the happy, it's all meant for you to gladden your existence and more importantly, take experiences to learn from them.
Wow, no wonder I've been choosing Optimistic theme from Stereo Mood the whole week! The positive outcome of existential questioning is something refreshing and anew for me, never experienced it before... it's nice! I hope it had the same effect on you!
What quotes do YOU enjoy reading that make you feel upbeat?
¨Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.¨ - John Lennon.
It wasn't until today that I realized the depth and intensity this couple of words have, and as soon as I thought about an image doing it justice, the art of Ethel Scull done by the great and late Andy Warhol seemed like the most accurate of all to have inserted into the visual definition of the quote.
Ultimately, life is filled with big and small moments, and with them come along important people to share it with. If you don't enjoy what comes ahead and attack the moment with all of who you are, the original and true self each of us have; then its worth nothing, because all you'll have to reminisce later is about what you did and not about what we felt in doing so.
I've had to learn that, one way or another, life isn't for you to take it too seriously, but for you to enjoy: the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the sad and the happy, it's all meant for you to gladden your existence and more importantly, take experiences to learn from them.
Wow, no wonder I've been choosing Optimistic theme from Stereo Mood the whole week! The positive outcome of existential questioning is something refreshing and anew for me, never experienced it before... it's nice! I hope it had the same effect on you!
What quotes do YOU enjoy reading that make you feel upbeat?
Andy Warhol,
John Lennon,
Panama Spotlight: Pecha Kucha Vol. 2
Pecha Kucha is an event for people to expose their work, creations, illustrations and other forms of inspiration, showing 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide, which was held in the Museum Reina Torres de Araúz. It is the second time Panama has been able to showcase the amazing talent that lies inside our country and let me tell you, it was great! It included personalities from graphic designers to building administrators to professional tattoo artists to psychologists to architects and all the way to fashion bloggers! It really is great to see that people in Panama are so interested in creating these events, for them to have a space to express what they do and motivate others to do the same. The thing I loved the most about it was the diversity between the different speakers at the event and the themes all exposed, you could tell that were very close to home for them. It was an amazing experience and I can't wait for Vol. 3 in August! Kudos to all of the speakers!
Ok, mi primera vez postiando algo en español pero siendo un evento donde el talento panameño se ve tan asombrosamente plasmado, es inevitable dejar un comentario en español. Pecha Kucha es un evento para que personas expongan sus trabajos, creaciones, ilustraciones y demás inspiraciones, mostrando 20 slides, 20 segundos por slide, que tuvo lugar la noche de ayer, 5 de mayo, en el Museo Reina Torres de Araúz. Ya es la segunda vez que Panamá ha estado demostrando el talento que se encuentra en nuestra humilde morada de flora y fauna, y fue increíble! Incluyó personalidades desde diseñadores gráficos, administradores de edificio, tatuadores profesionales, psicólogas, arquitectos y hasta fashion bloggers! Realmente es genial ver que en Panamá están realizando este tipo de eventos, donde las personas tengan un espacio para exponer lo que hacen y motivar a todo el público para que ellos lo hagan también. Lo que más me gustó fue la diversidad entre todos los expositores de la noche y los temas que expusieron se notaba que eran parte de su día a día. El mensaje de muchas de las presentaciones fue simplemente inspirador, mostrando que en Panamá, el que quiere hacer algo, lo puede hacer. Fue una experiencia memorable y ya quiero que llege Agosto para poder ir al Vol. 3. Muchas felicidades a todos los expositores y sigan así!
Para más información sobre Pecha Kucha y sus expositores visit Pecha Kucha Night.
Panama Spotlight,
Pecha Kucha
Mood-Themed Featurette
If you'll remember one of my last entries, you'll recall me rambling about how nice it is to listen to certain music in your car when you're feeling a certain way. Well, fellow bloggers, you won't imagine HOW thrilled I was when my brother passed one of the coolest pages I've encountered in a really long time: Stereo Mood. It is a page filled with diverse situations and emotions where to choose from and every single one of them leads to an already created playlist with all different songs that evoke the feeling. Tags like: vintage, bohemien and it's raining were one of my favorites. Check it out and tell me how you liked it!
...Now, if only I could find a radio station that does that in my car...
Easter Feast
When I was a kid there was one particular holiday (other than Christmas and my birthday, obviously), that I looked forward to and that was Easter. I know it may sound random that I enjoyed Easter this much but it was what the holiday meant to me. There was this tradition in which my older sisters would put clues all over the house and turn Easter into a scavenger hunt. One clue would lead to the next clue, and that one to the next clue, and so on, until my brother and I would find our very own Easter basket filled with goodies. Clues like: ¨Find the place where the king lays his head¨, and there, right underneath my father's bald head would lie another clue. So you see the excitement the holiday evoked on me! There was nothing I enjoyed more than finding surprises when waking up and that holiday gave me that thrill and emotion in doing so.
Reminiscing about these wonderful traditions I had, made me question myself in terms of what other things I enjoy when Easter comes along. Here are a few:
Ducks, bunnies and all other cutesy animals have never seemed so appropriate to have shaped into chocolate and other goodies.
Easter brunch with my family (looking forward to mimosas!)
Incorporating an abundance of pastel colors into my outfit seem ever so fitting.
French manicure.
With all this in mind, I can't wait for Easter now!
What are you looking forward to this Easter? Any special tradition you had with your family that created everlasting memories?
Product information on outfit: Top/Forever 21, Skirt/Forever 21, Necklace/ASOS, Ring/ASOS, Clutch/Urban Outfitters and Wedges/Lulu's.
Reminiscing about these wonderful traditions I had, made me question myself in terms of what other things I enjoy when Easter comes along. Here are a few:
Ducks, bunnies and all other cutesy animals have never seemed so appropriate to have shaped into chocolate and other goodies.
Easter brunch with my family (looking forward to mimosas!)
Incorporating an abundance of pastel colors into my outfit seem ever so fitting.
French manicure.
With all this in mind, I can't wait for Easter now!
What are you looking forward to this Easter? Any special tradition you had with your family that created everlasting memories?
Product information on outfit: Top/Forever 21, Skirt/Forever 21, Necklace/ASOS, Ring/ASOS, Clutch/Urban Outfitters and Wedges/Lulu's.
Pastel Colors,
Scavenger Hunts,
Driving Miss Ella
I've always been very specific about the kind of music that I listen to in my car, in other words, you won't find any music that I don't like lying around.
While driving around the city, yesterday, I was suddenly struck by traffic. Not just any kind of traffic, 6-pm-kind of traffic (read: the worst type)!
So, I immediately turned my radio mode to CD mode and was thrilled when some Ella Fitzgerald just popped out! Trust me, my friends, there is nothing more soothing than listening to some Ella-Ella while you're stuck in traffic (Personal Recommendation: They Can't Take that Away from Me with Louis Armstrong).
Acknowledging this -in the infamous words of Carrie Bradshaw- I couldn't help but wonder, is it then that certain artists are reserved to certain situations when talking about your car? Maybe so.
For example, when I'm on my way to classes in the morning, and the two cups of coffee I had haven't kicked in just yet, it's always fun to listen to the Glee Soundtrack, just because... oh they don't need an explanation, it's Glee, the word by itself says it all!
I think music is a great way to express your mood at a certain time and sometimes, when driving, a lot of emotions are involved.
So, I invite you, take a dab on Miss Ella when frustrated, join in to the Glee Club when sleepy and may there always... ALWAYS be some Beatlemania in your car, because what the others don't fix, be certain that John, Paul, Ringo and George will do the trick!
What do YOU like to listen to in your car? In what kind of situations do you turn to your favorite genres and artists?
While driving around the city, yesterday, I was suddenly struck by traffic. Not just any kind of traffic, 6-pm-kind of traffic (read: the worst type)!
So, I immediately turned my radio mode to CD mode and was thrilled when some Ella Fitzgerald just popped out! Trust me, my friends, there is nothing more soothing than listening to some Ella-Ella while you're stuck in traffic (Personal Recommendation: They Can't Take that Away from Me with Louis Armstrong).
Acknowledging this -in the infamous words of Carrie Bradshaw- I couldn't help but wonder, is it then that certain artists are reserved to certain situations when talking about your car? Maybe so.
For example, when I'm on my way to classes in the morning, and the two cups of coffee I had haven't kicked in just yet, it's always fun to listen to the Glee Soundtrack, just because... oh they don't need an explanation, it's Glee, the word by itself says it all!
I think music is a great way to express your mood at a certain time and sometimes, when driving, a lot of emotions are involved.
So, I invite you, take a dab on Miss Ella when frustrated, join in to the Glee Club when sleepy and may there always... ALWAYS be some Beatlemania in your car, because what the others don't fix, be certain that John, Paul, Ringo and George will do the trick!
What do YOU like to listen to in your car? In what kind of situations do you turn to your favorite genres and artists?
Hiya Papaya!
After watching two consecutive epsiodes of Ace of Cakes in Food Network Channel, I had the strangest craving for some red velvet cupcakes.
The thing is, that in Panama, I have yet found a place where they sell them, so actually fullfilling my craving would imply making red velvet cupcakes from scratch. After contemplating the idea and receiving a big NO-NO by part of my friend Domi, I decided what better way to satisfy the craving with a much healthier, lighter...
PAPAYA SMOOTHIE! It was rich and it was light and it might have given the sweet ending to an eventful day, to say the least. It's one of those fruits that is fun to say and fun to eat. So, I challenge you, next time you feel like having a red velvet cupcake, have a papaya instead, unless, of course you have a nice bakery just around your corner with red velvet cupcakes 24 hours. Otherwise, indulge in the wonderful taste of a papaya, it'll meet your expectations. Guaranteed.
The thing is, that in Panama, I have yet found a place where they sell them, so actually fullfilling my craving would imply making red velvet cupcakes from scratch. After contemplating the idea and receiving a big NO-NO by part of my friend Domi, I decided what better way to satisfy the craving with a much healthier, lighter...
PAPAYA SMOOTHIE! It was rich and it was light and it might have given the sweet ending to an eventful day, to say the least. It's one of those fruits that is fun to say and fun to eat. So, I challenge you, next time you feel like having a red velvet cupcake, have a papaya instead, unless, of course you have a nice bakery just around your corner with red velvet cupcakes 24 hours. Otherwise, indulge in the wonderful taste of a papaya, it'll meet your expectations. Guaranteed.
Food Network,
Red Velvet Cupcakes,
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